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Extra Column Types

EllarSQL comes with extra column type descriptor that will come in handy in your project. They include

GUID Column

GUID, Global Unique Identifier of 128-bit text string can be used as a unique identifier in a table. For applications that require a GUID type of primary, this can be a use resource. It uses UUID type in Postgres and CHAR(32) in other SQL databases.

import uuid
from ellar_sql import model

class Guid(model.Model):
    id: model.Mapped[uuid.uuid4] = model.mapped_column(

IPAddress Column

GenericIP column type validates and converts column value to ipaddress.IPv4Address or ipaddress.IPv6Address. It uses INET type in Postgres and CHAR(45) in other SQL databases.

import typing as t
import ipaddress
from ellar_sql import model

class IPAddress(model.Model):
    id = model.Column(model.Integer, primary_key=True)
    ip: model.Mapped[t.Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address]] = model.Column(model.GenericIP)