Multiple Databases¶
SQLAlchemy has the capability to establish connections with multiple databases simultaneously, referring to these connections as "binds."
EllarSQL simplifies the management of binds by associating each engine with a short string identifier, __database__
. Subsequently, each model and table is linked to a __database__
, and during a query, the session selects the appropriate engine based on the __database__
of the entity being queried. In the absence of a specified __database__
, the default engine is employed.
Configuring Multiple Databases¶
In EllarSQL, database configuration begins with the setup of the default database, followed by additional databases, as exemplified in the EllarSQLModule
from ellar_sql import EllarSQLModule
"default": "postgresql:///main",
"meta": "sqlite:////path/to/meta.db",
"auth": {
"url": "mysql://localhost/users",
"pool_recycle": 3600,
migration_options={'directory': 'migrations'}
Defining Models and Tables with Different Databases¶
EllarSQL creates Metadata and an Engine for each configured database. Models and tables associated with a specific __database__
key are registered with the corresponding Metadata. During a session query, the session employs the related Engine
To designate the database for a model, set the __database__
class attribute. Not specifying a __database__
key is equivalent to setting it to default
In Models¶
from ellar_sql import model
class User(model.Model):
__database__ = "auth"
id = model.Column(model.Integer, primary_key=True)
key unless they are overriden. Info
Its importance to not that model.Model
has __database__
value equals default
In Tables¶
To specify the database for a table, utilize the __database__
keyword argument:
from ellar_sql import model
user_table = model.Table(
model.Column("id", model.Integer, primary_key=True),
Ultimately, the session references the database key associated with the metadata or table, an association established during creation. Consequently, changing the database key after creating a model or table has no effect.
Creating and Dropping Tables¶
The create_all()
and drop_all()
methods operating are all part of the EllarSQLService
. It also requires the database
argument to target a specific database.
# Create tables for all binds
from ellar.core import current_injector
from ellar_sql import EllarSQLService
db_service = current_injector.get(EllarSQLService)
# Create tables for all configured databases
# Create tables for the 'default' and "auth" databases
db_service.create_all('default', "auth")
# Create tables for the "meta" database
# Drop tables for the 'default' database