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EllarSQLModule Config

EllarSQLModule is an Ellar Dynamic Module that offers two ways of configuration:

  • EllarSQLModule.register_setup(): This method registers a ModuleSetup that depends on the application config.
  • EllarSQLModule.setup(): This method immediately sets up the module with the provided options.

While we've explored many examples using EllarSQLModule.setup(), this section will focus on the usage of EllarSQLModule.register_setup().

Before delving into that, let's first explore the setup options available for EllarSQLModule.

EllarSQLModule Configuration Parameters

  • databases: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:

    This field describes the options for your database engine, utilized by SQLAlchemy Engine, Metadata, and Sessions. There are three methods for setting these options, as illustrated below:

    ## CASE 1
    databases = "sqlite//:memory:"
    # This will result to 
    # databases = {
    #     'default': {
    #         'url': 'sqlite//:memory:'
    #     }
    # }
    ## CASE 2
    databases = {
        'default': "sqlite//:memory:",
        'db2': "sqlite//:memory:",
    # This will result to 
    # databases = {
    #     'default': {
    #         'url': 'sqlite//:memory:'
    #     },
    #     'db2': {
    #         'url': 'sqlite//:memory:'
    #     },
    # }
    ## CASE 3 - With Extra Engine Options
    databases = {
        'default': {
            "url": "sqlite//:memory:",
            "echo": True,
            "connect_args": {
                "check_same_thread": False

  • migration_options: typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], MigrationOption]: The migration options can be specified either in a dictionary object or as a MigrationOption schema instance. These configurations are essential for defining the necessary settings for database migrations. The available options include:

    • directory=migrations:directory to save alembic migration templates/env and migration versions
    • use_two_phase=True: bool value that indicates use of two in migration SQLAlchemy session
    • context_configure={compare_type: True, render_as_batch: True, include_object: callable}: key-value pair that will be passed to EnvironmentContext.configure.

      Default context_configure set by EllarSQL:

      • compare_type=True: This option configures the automatic migration generation subsystem to detect column type changes.
      • render_as_batch=True: This option generates migration scripts using batch mode, an operational mode that works around limitations of many ALTER commands in the SQLite database by implementing a “move and copy” workflow.
      • include_object: Skips model from auto gen when it's defined in table args eg: __table_args__ = {"info": {"skip_autogen": True}}
  • session_options: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:

    A default key-value pair pass to SQLAlchemy.Session() when creating a session.

  • engine_options: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:

    A default key-value pair to pass to every database configuration engine configuration for SQLAlchemy.create_engine().

    This overriden by configurations provided in databases parameters

  • models: t.Optional[t.List[str]]: list of python modules that defines model.Model models. By providing this, EllarSQL ensures models are discovered before Alembic CLI migration actions or any other database interactions with SQLAlchemy.

  • echo: bool: The default value for echo and echo_pool for every engine. This is useful to quickly debug the connections and queries issued from SQLAlchemy.

  • root_path: t.Optional[str]: The root_path for sqlite databases and migration base directory. Defaults to the execution path of EllarSQLModule

Connection URL Format

Refer to SQLAlchemy’s documentation on Engine Configuration for a comprehensive overview of syntax, dialects, and available options.

The standard format for a basic database connection URL is as follows: Username, password, host, and port are optional parameters based on the database type and specific configuration.

Here are some example connection strings:
# SQLite, relative to Flask instance path

# PostgreSQL

# MySQL / MariaDB

Default Driver Options

To enhance usability for web applications, default options have been configured for SQLite and MySQL engines.

For SQLite, relative file paths are now relative to the root_path option rather than the current working directory. Additionally, in-memory databases utilize a static pool and check_same_thread to ensure seamless operation across multiple requests.

For MySQL (and MariaDB) servers, a default idle connection timeout of 8 hours has been set. This configuration helps avoid errors, such as 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query. To preemptively recreate connections before hitting this timeout, a default pool_recycle value of 2 hours (7200 seconds) is applied.


Certain databases, including MySQL and MariaDB, might be set to close inactive connections after a certain duration, which can lead to errors like 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query. While this behavior is configured by default in MySQL and MariaDB, it could also be implemented by other database services.

If you encounter such errors, consider adjusting the pool_recycle option in the engine settings to a value less than the database's timeout.

Alternatively, you can explore setting pool_pre_ping if you anticipate frequent closure of connections, especially in scenarios like running the database in a container that may undergo periodic restarts.

For more in-depth information on dealing with disconnects, refer to SQLAlchemy's documentation on handling connection issues.

EllarSQLModule RegisterSetup

As mentioned earlier, EllarSQLModule can be configured from the application through EllarSQLModule.register_setup. This process registers a ModuleSetup factory that depends on the Application Config object. The factory retrieves the ELLAR_SQL attribute from the config and validates the data before passing it to EllarSQLModule for setup.

It's essential to note that ELLAR_SQL will be a dictionary object with the configuration parameters mentioned above as keys.

Here's a quick example:

from ellar.common import Module, exception_handler, IExecutionContext, JSONResponse, Response, IApplicationStartup
from import App
from ellar.core import ModuleBase
from ellar_sql import EllarSQLModule, EllarSQLService
from .controller import UsersController

class ApplicationModule(ModuleBase, IApplicationStartup):
    async def on_startup(self, app: App) -> None:
        db_service = app.injector.get(EllarSQLService)

    def exception_404_handler(cls, ctx: IExecutionContext, exc: Exception) -> Response:
        return JSONResponse(dict(detail="Resource not found."), status_code=404)
Let's update

import typing as t

class DevelopmentConfig(BaseConfig):
    DEBUG: bool = True

    ELLAR_SQL: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        'databases': {
            'default': 'sqlite:///app.db',
        'echo': True,
        'migration_options': {
            'directory': 'migrations' # root directory will be determined based on where the module is instantiated.
        'models': []
The registered ModuleSetup factory reads the ELLAR_SQL value and configures the EllarSQLModule appropriately.

This approach is particularly useful when dealing with multiple environments. It allows for seamless modification of the ELLAR_SQL values in various environments such as Continuous Integration (CI), Development, Staging, or Production. You can easily change the settings for each environment and export the configurations as a string to be imported into ELLAR_CONFIG_MODULE.