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Automated testing is the practice of using software tools to automatically run tests on a software application or system, rather than relying on manual testing by humans. It is considered an essential part of software development as it helps increase productivity, ensure quality and performance goals are met, and provide faster feedback loops to developers. Automated tests can include various types such as unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, and more.

While setting up automated tests can be tedious, the benefits of increased test coverage and productivity make it an important aspect of software development. Ellar aims to encourage the use of development best practices, including effective testing, by providing various features to assist developers and teams in creating and automating tests. These features include:

  • automatically generated default unit tests files for components testing
  • offering a util, Test Factory class, that constructs an isolated module/application setup
  • making the Ellar dependency injection system accessible in the testing environment for convenient component mocking.

Ellar is compatible with unittest and pytest testing frameworks in python but in this documentation, we will be using pytest.

Getting started

You will need to install pytest

pip install pytest

Unit testing

In the following example, we test two classes: CarController and CarRepository. For this we need to use TestClientFactory to build them in isolation from the application since we are writing unit test.

Looking at the car module we scaffolded earlier, there is a tests folder provided and inside that folder there is module. We are going to be writing unit test for CarController in there.

# project_name/car/tests/
from import CarController
from import CreateCarSerializer, CarListFilter
from import CarRepository

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        self.controller: CarController = CarController(repo=CarRepository())

    async def test_create_action(self, anyio_backend):
        result = await self.controller.create(
            CreateCarSerializer(name="Mercedes", year=2022, model="CLS")

        assert result == {
            "id": "1",
            "message": "This action adds a new car",
            "model": "CLS",
            "name": "Mercedes",
            "year": 2022,
In example above, we aren't really testing anything Ellar-specific. Notice that we are not using dependency injection; rather, we pass an instance of CarController to our CarRepository. This type of testing, where we manually instantiate the classes being tested, is commonly referred to as isolated testing because it is framework-independent

Using Test Factory

Test factory function in ellar.testing package, is a great tool employ for a quick and better test setup. Let's rewrite the previous example using the built-in Test class:

# project_name/car/tests/
from unittest.mock import patch
from ellar.di import ProviderConfig
from ellar.testing import Test
from import CarController
from import CreateCarSerializer, CarListFilter
from import CarRepository

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            providers=[ProviderConfig(CarRepository, use_class=CarRepository)]
        self.controller: CarController = test_module.get(CarController)

    async def test_create_action(self, anyio_backend):
        result = await self.controller.create(
            CreateCarSerializer(name="Mercedes", year=2022, model="CLS")

        assert result == {
            "id": "1",
            "message": "This action adds a new car",
            "model": "CLS",
            "name": "Mercedes",
            "year": 2022,

    @patch.object(CarRepository, 'get_all', return_value=[dict(id=2, model='CLS',name='Mercedes', year=2023)])
    async def test_get_all_action(self, mock_get_all, anyio_backend):
        result = await self.controller.get_all(query=CarListFilter(offset=0, limit=10))

        assert result == {
            'cars': [
                    'id': 2, 
                    'model': 'CLS', 
                    'name': 'Mercedes', 
                    'year': 2023
            'message': 'This action returns all cars at limit=10, offset=0'
With the Test class, you can create an application execution context that simulates the entire Ellar runtime, providing hooks to easily manage class instances by allowing for mocking and overriding.

The Test class has a create_test_module() method that takes a module metadata object as its argument (the same object you pass to the @Module() decorator). This method returns a TestingModule instance which in turn provides a few methods:

  • override_provider: Essential for overriding providers or guards with a mocked type.
  • create_application: This method will return an application instance for the isolated testing module.
  • get_test_client: creates and return a TestClient for the application which will allow you to make requests against your application, using the httpx library.

Overriding Providers

TestingModule override_provider method allows you to provide an alternative for a provider type or a guard type. For example:

from ellar.testing import Test

class MockCarRepository(CarRepository):

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            CarRepository, use_class=MockCarRepository
override_provider takes the same arguments as ellar.di.ProviderConfig and in fact, it builds to ProvideConfig behind the scenes. In example above, we created a MockCarRepository for CarRepository and applied it as shown above. We can also create an instance of MockCarRepository and have it behave as a singleton within the scope of test_module instance.

from ellar.testing import Test

class MockCarRepository(CarRepository):

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
        ).override_provider(CarRepository, use_value=MockCarRepository())
We this, anywhere CarRepository is needed, a MockCarRepository() instance will be applied.

In same way, we can override UseGuards used in controllers during testing. For example, lets assume CarController has a guard JWTGuard

import typing
from ellar.common.compatible import AttributeDict
from ellar.common import UseGuards, Controller, ControllerBase
from ellar.core.guard import HttpBearerAuth
from ellar.di import injectable

class JWTGuard(HttpBearerAuth):
    async def authenticate(self, connection, credentials) -> typing.Any:
        # JWT verification goes here
        return AttributeDict(is_authenticated=True, first_name='Ellar', last_name='ASGI Framework') 

class CarController(ControllerBase):
During testing, we can replace JWTGuard with a MockAuthGuard as shown below.

from ellar.testing import Test
from .controllers import CarController, JWTGuard

class MockAuthGuard(JWTGuard):
    async def authenticate(self, connection, credentials) -> typing.Any:
        # Jwt verification goes here.
        return dict(first_name='Ellar', last_name='ASGI Framework')

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
        ).override_provider(JWTGuard, use_class=MockAuthGuard)

Create Application

We can access the application instance after setting up the TestingModule. You simply need to call create_application method of the TestingModule.

For example:

from ellar.di import ProviderConfig
from ellar.testing import Test

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            providers=[ProviderConfig(CarRepository, use_class=CarRepository)]
        app = test_module.create_application()
        car_repo = app.injector.get(CarRepository)
        assert isinstance(car_repo, CarRepository)

Overriding Application Conf During Testing

Having different application configurations for different environments is a best practice in software development. It involves creating different sets of configuration variables, such as database connection details, API keys, and environment-specific settings, for different environments such as development, staging, and production.

During testing, there two ways to apply or modify configuration.

In file, we can define another configuration for testing eg, class TestConfiguration and then we can apply it to config_module when creating TestingModule.

For example:

# project_name/


class BaseConfig(ConfigDefaultTypesMixin):
    DEBUG: bool = False

class TestingConfiguration(BaseConfig):
    DEBUG = True
We have created TestingConfiguration inside project_name.config python module. Lets apply this to TestingModule.

# project_name/car/tests/

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            providers=[ProviderConfig(CarRepository, use_class=CarRepository)],
        self.controller: CarController = test_module.get(CarController)
Also, we can expose the testing config to environment for more global scope, for example:

# project_name/tests/
import os
from ellar.constants import ELLAR_CONFIG_MODULE
os.environ.setdefault(ELLAR_CONFIG_MODULE, 'project_name.config:TestingConfiguration')

This method doesn't require configuration file, we simply go ahead and define the configuration variables in a dictionary type set to config_module.

For instance:

# project_name/car/tests/

class TestCarController:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            providers=[ProviderConfig(CarRepository, use_class=CarRepository)],
            config_module=dict(DEBUG=True, ANOTHER_CONFIG_VAR='Ellar')
        self.controller: CarController = test_module.get(CarController)

End-to-End Test

End-to-end (e2e) testing operates on a higher level of abstraction than unit testing, assessing the interaction between classes and modules in a way that approximates user behavior with the production system.

As an application expands, manual e2e testing of every API endpoint becomes increasingly difficult, which is where automated e2e testing becomes essential in validating that the system's overall behavior is correct and aligned with project requirements.

To execute e2e tests, we adopt a similar configuration to that of unit testing, and Ellar's use of TestClient, a tool provided by Starlette, to facilitates the simulation of HTTP requests


Starlette provides a TestClient for making requests ASGI Applications, and it's based on httpx library similar to requests.

from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
from starlette.testclient import TestClient

async def app(scope, receive, send):
    assert scope['type'] == 'http'
    response = HTMLResponse('<html><body>Hello, world!</body></html>')
    await response(scope, receive, send)

def test_app():
    client = TestClient(app)
    response = client.get('/')
    assert response.status_code == 200
In example above, TestClient needs an ASGI Callable. It exposes the same interface as any other httpx session. In particular, note that the calls to make a request are just standard function calls, not awaitable.

Let's see how we can use TestClient in writing e2e testing for CarController and CarRepository.

# project_name/car/tests/
from ellar.di import ProviderConfig
from ellar.testing import Test, TestClient
from import CarController
from import CarRepository

class MockCarRepository(CarRepository):
    def get_all(self):
        return [dict(id=2, model='CLS',name='Mercedes', year=2023)]

class TestCarControllerE2E:
    def setup(self):
        test_module = Test.create_test_module(
            providers=[ProviderConfig(CarRepository, use_class=MockCarRepository)],
        self.client: TestClient = test_module.get_test_client()

    def test_create_action(self):
        res ='/car', json=dict(
            name="Mercedes", year=2022, model="CLS"
        assert res.status_code == 200
        assert res.json() == {
            "id": "1",
            "message": "This action adds a new car",
            "model": "CLS",
            "name": "Mercedes",
            "year": 2022,

    def test_get_all_action(self):
        res = self.client.get('/car?offset=0&limit=10')
        assert res.status_code == 200
        assert res.json() == {
            'cars': [
                    'id': 2,
                    'model': 'CLS',
                    'name': 'Mercedes',
                    'year': 2023
            'message': 'This action returns all cars at limit=10, offset=0'

In the construct above, test_module.get_test_client() created an isolated application instance and used it to instantiate a TestClient. And with we are able to simulate request behaviour on CarController.