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Security Schemes in OpenAPI

Ellar's OpenAPI security is governed by specialized GuardCanActivate classes and AuthenticationHandler classes.

Reference for more information:

Enables cookie-based authentication mechanisms for an operation. Here's an example:

import typing as t
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext, UseGuards
from ellar.auth.guards import GuardAPIKeyCookie
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyGuardAPIKeyCookie(GuardAPIKeyCookie):
    parameter_name = 'optional-session-id'
    openapi_name = 'cookie'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
        return False

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
GuardAPIKeyCookie is an abstract class requiring implementation of the authentication_handler, which is called after retrieving the key from the request cookie using parameter_name.

import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext
from ellar.auth.handlers import CookieAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity, AuthenticationRequired
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyCookieAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler(CookieAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler):
    parameter_name = 'api_key'
    openapi_name = 'cookie'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
CookieAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler is an abstract class requiring implementation of the authentication_handler, which is called after retrieving the key from the request cookie using parameter_name.

When using authentication handlers, AuthenticationRequired should to used to protect any endpoint and by passing openapi_name as a parameter will create necessary OPENAPI security scheme around the decorated Controller or endpoint.


Header Authentication

Enables header-based authentication mechanisms for an operation. Example:

import typing as t
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext, UseGuards
from ellar.auth.guards import GuardAPIKeyHeader
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyGuardAPIKeyHeader(GuardAPIKeyHeader):
    parameter_name = 'X-API-Key'
    openapi_name = 'header'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
        return False

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext
from ellar.auth.handlers import HeaderAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity, AuthenticationRequired
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyHeaderAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler(HeaderAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler):
    parameter_name = 'X-API-Key'
    openapi_name = 'header'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])


Query Authentication

Enables query-based authentication mechanisms for an operation. Example:

import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext, UseGuards
from ellar.auth.guards import GuardAPIKeyQuery
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyGuardAPIKeyQuery(GuardAPIKeyQuery):
    parameter_name = 'api_key'
    openapi_name = 'query'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
        return False

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext
from ellar.auth.handlers import QueryAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity, AuthenticationRequired
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyQueryAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler(QueryAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler):
    parameter_name = 'api_key'
    openapi_name = 'query'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, key: t.Optional[t.Any]) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if key == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])


Basic Authentication

Enables basic authentication mechanisms for an operation. Example:

import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext, UseGuards
from ellar.auth.guards import GuardHttpBasicAuth
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyGuardHttpBasicAuth(GuardHttpBasicAuth):
    openapi_name = 'basic'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, credentials: t.Any) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if credentials.username == "admin" and credentials.password == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, username='admin', first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
        return False

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IHostContext, IExecutionContext
from ellar.auth.handlers import HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity, AuthenticationRequired
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyHttpBasicAuthenticationHandler(HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler):
    openapi_name = 'basic'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context: IHostContext, credentials: t.Any) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if credentials.username == "admin" and credentials.password == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, username='admin', first_name='John', last_name='Doe')

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])


Bearer Authentication

Enables bearer authentication mechanisms for an operation. Example:

import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.auth.guards import GuardHttpBearerAuth
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext, UseGuards
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyGuardHttpBearerAuth(GuardHttpBearerAuth):
    openapi_name = 'bearer'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, credentials: t.Any) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if credentials.credentials == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, username='admin', first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
        return False

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
import typing as t
from import AppFactory
from ellar.common import ModuleRouter, IExecutionContext
from ellar.auth.handlers import HttpBearerAuthenticationHandler
from ellar.auth import UserIdentity, AuthenticationRequired
from ellar.di import injectable

class MyHeaderAPIKeyAuthenticationHandler(HttpBearerAuthenticationHandler):
    openapi_name = 'bearer'

    async def authentication_handler(self, context:IExecutionContext, credentials: t.Any) -> t.Optional[t.Any]:
        if credentials.credentials == "secret":
            return UserIdentity(id=1, username='admin', first_name='John', last_name='Doe')

router = ModuleRouter()

def index(ctx: IExecutionContext):
    return ctx.user

app = AppFactory.create_app(routers=[router], controllers=[])
