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Quick Project

This section will guide on how to quickly setup ellar project to just have a glimpse of its features.

Ellar CLI

Ellar CLI helps in quick project scaffolding.

pip install ellar-cli
poetry add ellar-cli

Creating a project

To create an ellar project, you need to have a pyproject.toml available on your root directory. This is necessary for ellar to store some metadata about your project.

If you are using Poetry, you might have to run poetry init first before running the command below:

ellar create-project carsite

For Pip Users

ellar new carsite
This will create the pyproject.toml and add all other necessary files for your ellar project.

Also, if you want a plain scaffold without pyproject.toml

ellar new carsite --plain
See this plain projects CLI execution pattern

In the scaffolded project, you will see the following:

  • is the entry point of the application.
  • hold all application configuration
  • hold reference to all registered Application Modules
  • core: directory to add core business logics
  • domain: directory to add domain models

Run your project

Ellar runs UVICORN - ASGI Server under the hood.

ellar runserver --reload
--reload is to watch for file changes

OR, if you want to use a different ASGI server, it's allowed.

uvicorn run server:application --reload

Now go to Swagger UI

For more info on Ellar CLI, click here

Adding a project module

A project module is a like project app defining a group of controllers or services including templates and static files. So, we shall be adding a car module to our carsite project just to handle some logic like creating and retrieving car data.

ellar create-module car carsite
This will add some files like:

  • where we can add different controllers for car module
  • place to define various pydantic schemas for both controller and service use.
  • an alternative to controller class if you enjoy defining endpoint in functions
  • an export for our car module that will be registered in of the project
  • place where we can define services for managing data and others for our car module
  • tests: place to add unit test or E2E test for out car module

Add Schema

In car/, let's add some serializer for car input and output data

from ellar.common import Serializer

class CarSerializer(Serializer):
    name: str
    model: str
    brand: str

class RetrieveCarSerializer(CarSerializer):
    pk: str

Add Services

In car/, 'lets' create a dummy repository CarDummyDB to manage our car data.

Create a provider and declare its scope

class AProvider

class BProvider
import typing as t
import uuid
from ellar.di import injectable, singleton_scope

class DummyDBItem:
    pk: str

    def __init__(self, **data: t.Dict) -> None:
        self.__dict__ = data

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, DummyDBItem):
            return ==
        return == str(other)

class CarDummyDB:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._data: t.List[DummyDBItem] = []

    def add_car(self, data: t.Dict) -> str:
        pk = uuid.uuid4()
        _data = dict(data)
        item = DummyDBItem(**_data)

    def list(self) -> t.List[DummyDBItem]:
        return self._data

    def update(self, car_id: str, data: t.Dict) -> t.Optional[DummyDBItem]:
        if car_id in self._data:
            idx = self._data.index(car_id)
            _data = dict(data)
            self._data[idx] = DummyDBItem(**_data)
            return self._data[idx]

    def get(self, car_id: str) -> t.Optional[DummyDBItem]:
        if car_id in self._data:
            idx = self._data.index(car_id)
            return self._data[idx]

    def remove(self, car_id: str) -> t.Optional[DummyDBItem]:
        if car_id in self._data:
            idx = self._data.index(car_id)
            return self._data.pop(idx)

Add Controller

In car/, lets create CarController

import typing as t
from ellar.common import Controller, delete, get, put, post, ControllerBase
from ellar.common.exceptions import NotFound
from .schemas import CarSerializer, RetrieveCarSerializer
from .services import CarDummyDB

class CarController(ControllerBase):
    def __init__(self, db: CarDummyDB) -> None:
        self.car_db = db

    @post("/create", response={200: str})
    async def create_cat(self, payload: CarSerializer):
        pk = self.car_db.add_car(payload.dict())
        return pk

    @put("/{car_id:str}", response={200: RetrieveCarSerializer})
    async def update_cat(self, car_id: str, payload: CarSerializer):
        car = self.car_db.update(car_id, payload.dict())
        if not car:
            raise NotFound("Item not found")
        return car

    @get("/{car_id:str}", response={200: RetrieveCarSerializer})
    async def get_car_by_id(self, car_id: str):
        car = self.car_db.get(car_id)
        if not car:
            raise NotFound('Item not found.')
        return car

    @delete("/{car_id:str}", response={204: dict})
    async def deleted_cat(self, car_id: str):
        car = self.car_db.remove(car_id)
        if not car:
            raise NotFound('Item not found.')
        return 204, {}

    @get("/", response={200: t.List[RetrieveCarSerializer]})
    async def list(self):
        return self.car_db.list()

Register Service and Controller

In car/, lets register CarController and CarDummyDB

from ellar.common import Module
from ellar.core import ModuleBase
from ellar.di import Container

from .controllers import CarController
from .services import CarDummyDB

class CarModule(ModuleBase):

Registering Module

Ellar is not aware of CarModule yet, so we need to add it to the modules list of ApplicationModule at the carsite/

from ellar.common import Module, exception_handler, JSONResponse, Response, IHostContext
from ellar.core import ModuleBase

from ellar.samples.modules import HomeModule
from .car.module import CarModule

@Module(modules=[HomeModule, CarModule])
class ApplicationModule(ModuleBase):
    def exception_404_handler(cls, context: IHostContext, exc: Exception) -> Response:
        return JSONResponse(dict(detail="Resource not found."))

Enabling OpenAPI Docs

To start up openapi, we need to go back to project folder in the then add the following below.

import os

from ellar.common.constants import ELLAR_CONFIG_MODULE
from import AppFactory
from ellar.openapi import OpenAPIDocumentModule, OpenAPIDocumentBuilder, SwaggerUI
from .root_module import ApplicationModule

application = AppFactory.create_from_app_module(
        ELLAR_CONFIG_MODULE, "carsite.config:DevelopmentConfig"

document_builder = OpenAPIDocumentBuilder()
document_builder.set_title('CarSite API') \
    .set_version('1.0.0') \
    .set_contact(name='Author', url='', email='') \
    .set_license('MIT Licence', url='')

document = document_builder.build_document(application)
module = OpenAPIDocumentModule.setup(

Now we can test our API at Please ensure your server is running Swagger UI

Source Code

You can find this example source code here