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Application Configurations

The file contains all the configuration necessary in bootstrapping ellar application.

Lets in this section go through the different configuration available.

Configuration Variables


Default: ' ' (Empty string)

A secret key is a unique and unpredictable value.

ellar new project command automatically adds a randomly-generated SECRET_KEY to each new project.


Default: False

A boolean that turns on/off debug mode.

Never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on.

One of the main features of debug mode is the display of detailed error pages. If your app raises an exception when DEBUG is True, Ellar will display a detailed traceback.

If DEBUG is False, you also need to properly set the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. Failing to do so will result in all requests being returned as “Bad Request (400)”.


Default: False

A boolean that turns on/off injector auto_bind property.

When turned on, injector can automatically bind to missing types as singleton at the point of resolving object dependencies. And when turned off, missing types will raise an UnsatisfiedRequirement exception.


Default: JSONResponse - (starlette.common.JSONResponse)

DEFAULT_JSON_CLASS is used when sending JSON response to the client.

There are other options for JSON available in Ellar:

  • UJSONResponse(ellar.common.UJSONResponse): renders JSON response using ujson.
  • ORJSONResponse(ellar.common.ORJSONResponse): renders JSON response using orjson.


Default: {}

Default is an empty dictionary object. It defines options used when creating Jinja2 Environment for templating.

Different keys available:

  • block_start_string (str) –
  • block_end_string (str) –
  • variable_start_string (str) –
  • variable_end_string (str) –
  • comment_start_string (str) –
  • comment_end_string (str) –
  • line_statement_prefix (Optional[str]) –
  • line_comment_prefix (Optional[str]) –
  • trim_blocks (bool) –
  • lstrip_blocks (bool) –
  • newline_sequence (te.Literal['\n', '\r\n', '\r']) –
  • keep_trailing_newline (bool) –
  • extensions (Sequence[Union[str, Type[Extension]]]) –
  • optimized (bool) –
  • undefined (Type[jinja2.runtime.Undefined]) –
  • finalize (Optional[Callable[[...], Any]]) –
  • autoescape (Union[bool, Callable[[Optional[str]], bool]]) –
  • loader (Optional[BaseLoader]) –
  • cache_size (int) –
  • auto_reload (bool) –
  • bytecode_cache (Optional[BytecodeCache]) –
  • enable_async (bool)


Check Jinja2 environment option for more information.


Default: DefaultAPIVersioning()

VERSIONING_SCHEME defined the versioning scheme for the application.
The DefaultAPIVersioning is placeHolder object for versioning scheme.

Other Options includes:

  • UrlPathAPIVersioning - for url versioning. eg or
  • HostNameAPIVersioning - for host versioning. eg or
  • HeaderAPIVersioning - for request header versioning. eg Accept: application/json; version=1.0
  • QueryParameterAPIVersioning - for request query versioning. eg /something/?version=0.1


Default: False

A boolean that turns on/off router redirect_slashes property.

When REDIRECT_SLASHES is turned on, the Application Router creates a redirect with a / to complete a URL path. This only happens when the URL was not found but may exist when / is appended to the URL.

For example, a route to the user profile goes like this http://localhost:8000/user/profile/. If a path like this is passed http://localhost:8000/user/profile, it will be redirected to http://localhost:8000/user/profile automatically.

This approach may be complex depending on the application size because ApplicationRouter has to loop through its routes twice.

When REDIRECT_SLASHES is turned off, URL paths have to be an exact match, or a 404 exception is raised.


Default: []

It is used to apply static files that exist in installed python package.

For example:

STATIC_FOLDER_PACKAGES = [('boostrap4', 'statics')]
'boostrap4' is the package, and 'statics' is the static folder.


Default: []

It is used to apply static files that project level

For example:

STATIC_DIRECTORIES = ['project_name/staticfiles', 'project_name/path/to/static/files']


Default: []

MIDDLEWARE defines a list of user-defined ASGI Middleware to be applied to the application alongside default application middleware.


Default: []

It defines a list of IExceptionHandler objects used in handling custom exceptions or any exception.


Default: /static

It configures the root path to serve static files. For example, if there is a stylesheet.css in a static folder, and STATIC_MOUNT_PATH=/static, stylesheet.css can be reached through the link http://localhost:8000/static/stylesheet.css assuming you are on local development server.

Also, if STATIC_MOUNT_PATH=None, static route handler would not be registered to application routes.


Default: ENCODERS_BY_TYPE (ellar.pydantic.ENCODERS_BY_TYPE)

SERIALIZER_CUSTOM_ENCODER is a key-value pair of a type and function. Default is a pydantic JSON encode type. It is used when serializing objects to JSON format.


Default: not_found (not_found(scope: TScope, receive: TReceive, send: TSend))

Default is an ASGI function. DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_HANDLER is used by the application router as a callback function to a resource not found.

from ellar.common.types import TScope, TReceive, TSend
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException as StarletteHTTPException
from starlette.websockets import WebSocketClose
from ellar.common import PlainTextResponse

async def _not_found(scope: TScope, receive: TReceive, send: TSend) -> None:
    if scope["type"] == "websocket":
        websocket_close = WebSocketClose()
        await websocket_close(scope, receive, send)

    # If we're running inside a starlette application then raise an
    # exception, so that the configurable exception handler can deal with
    # returning the response. For plain ASGI apps, just return the response.
    if "app" in scope:
        raise StarletteHTTPException(status_code=404)
        response = PlainTextResponse("Not Found", status_code=404)
    await response(scope, receive, send)


Default: None

DEFAULT_LIFESPAN_HANDLER is a function that returns AsyncContextManager used to manage startup and shutdown together instead of having a separate handler for startup and shutdown events.

import contextlib
from ellar.core import ConfigDefaultTypesMixin
from import App

async def lifespan(app: App):
    async with some_async_resource():

class BaseConfig(ConfigDefaultTypesMixin):

Consider using anyio.create_task_group() for managing asynchronous tasks.


Default: []

A list of origins that should be permitted to make cross-origin requests. e.g. ['', ''].

You can use ['*'] to allow any origin.


Default: ["GET"]

A list of HTTP methods that should be allowed for cross-origin requests.

You can use ['*'] to allow all standard methods.


Default: []

A list of HTTP request headers that should be supported for cross-origin requests.

You can use ['*'] to allow all headers. The Accept, Accept-Language, Content-Language and Content-Type headers are always allowed for CORS requests.


Default: False

Indicate that cookies should be supported for cross-origin requests.


Default: None

A regex string to match against origins that should be permitted to make cross-origin requests. eg. 'https://.*\.example\.org'.


Default: None

Indicate any response headers that should be made accessible to the browser.


Defaults: 600

Sets a maximum time in seconds for browsers to cache CORS responses.


Default: ["*"]

A list of domain names that should be allowed as hostnames in TrustedHostMiddleware. Wildcard domains such as * are supported for matching subdomains.

To allow any hostname either use allowed_hosts=["*"] or omit the middleware.


Default: True

Indicates whether to append www. when redirecting host in TrustedHostMiddleware

Configuration with prefix

Ellar configuration module also support loading of its configurations with appended prefix. for instance, we can have a file with some ellar's configurations set to it with some prefix API_ as shown below.

API_SECRET_KEY = "your-secret-key-changed"
API_JINJA_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"auto_reload": True}

OTHER_XYZ_CONFIGS_1 ='whatever'
OTHER_XYZ_CONFIGS_2 ='whatever2'
To apply these configurations without having to load everything, you have to provide the prefix to be used to load configurations that belongs to ellar. For example,

from import AppFactory
from .root_module import ApplicationModule

application = AppFactory.create_from_app_module(ApplicationModule, config_module=dict(
In the above construct, we used a dict object to define the configuration module('project_name:my_settings') and prefix api_. This will be applied to the configuration instance when the application is ready.

Defining Configurations directly

During application bootstrapping with AppFactory, you can define app configurations directly under config_module as a dict object as some below.

from import AppFactory
from .root_module import ApplicationModule

application = AppFactory.create_from_app_module(
        SECRET_KEY = "your-secret-key-changed",
        INJECTOR_AUTO_BIND = True,