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In Starlette, Mount is used to mount sub-routes and ASGI apps or WSGI apps. The same is applicable in Ellar.

Let's see how to mount sub-routes in ellar

from starlette.routing import Mount
from ellar.core.routing import RouteOperation
from ellar.core import Request

def users(request:Request):
    return "List of users"

def user(username: str, request:Request):
    return f"Users Profile of {username}"

mount = Mount(
        RouteOperation(path='/', endpoint=users, methods=['GET', 'POST'], response={200: str}), 
        RouteOperation(path='/{username}', endpoint=user, methods=['GET', 'POST'], response={200: str})
In the construct above, we have created a starlette-like example of Mount with a base path /users and with two endpoints, / to get list of users and /username to a users profile.

Mount with Ellar

Now, we have a mount instance for the previous code construct, to get it to work in ellar, we need to register it to a Module.

For example,

from ellar.common import Module
from .path_to_mount import mount

class ApplicationModule:

Applying Middleware to Mount

Just like in every other ASGI app, middlewares can be added to Mount during its instantiation.

For example,

from starlette.middleware import Middleware
from starlette.middleware.gzip import GZipMiddleware

mount = Mount(
        RouteOperation(path='/', endpoint=users, methods=['GET', 'POST'], response={200: str}), 
        RouteOperation(path='/{username}', endpoint=user, methods=['GET', 'POST'], response={200: str})
Checkout this documentation from starlette on some conditions to using middleware on Mount