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File Uploads

Handling files are no different from other parameters. You can define files to be uploaded by using File.


To receive uploaded files, first install python-multipart.

E.g. pip install python-multipart.

This is because uploaded files are sent as "form data".

Import File

First import File from ellar.common module

Define File parameters

Create file parameters the same way you would for Body or Form:

# project_name/apps/items/
from ellar.common import File, Controller, post, ControllerBase

class ItemsController(ControllerBase):
    async def create_file(self, file: File[bytes]):
        return {"file_size": len(file)}

The files will be uploaded as "form data".

If you declare the type of your path operation function parameter as bytes, Ellar will read the file for you and you will receive the contents as bytes.

Have in mind that this means that the whole contents will be stored in memory. This will work well for small files.

But there are several cases in which you might benefit from using UploadFile.

File parameters with UploadFile

Define a File parameter with a type of UploadFile:

# project_name/apps/items/
from ellar.common import File, UploadFile, Controller, post, ControllerBase

class ItemsController(ControllerBase):
    async def create_file(self, file: File[bytes]):
        return {"file_size": len(file)}

    async def create_upload_file(self, file: File[UploadFile]):
        return {"filename": file.filename}

Using UploadFile has several advantages over bytes:

  • It uses a "spooled" file:
    • A file stored in memory up to a maximum size limit, and after passing this limit it will be stored in disk.
  • This means that it will work well for large files like images, videos, large binaries, etc. without consuming all the memory.
  • You can get metadata from the uploaded file.
  • It has a file-like async interface.
  • It exposes an actual Python SpooledTemporaryFile object that you can pass directly to other libraries that expect a file-like object.


UploadFile has the following attributes:

  • filename: A str with the original file name that was uploaded (e.g. myimage.jpg).
  • content_type: A str with the content type (MIME type / media type) (e.g. image/jpeg).
  • file: A SpooledTemporaryFile (a file-like object). This is the actual Python file that you can pass directly to other functions or libraries that expect a "file-like" object.

UploadFile has the following async methods. They all call the corresponding file methods underneath (using the internal SpooledTemporaryFile).

  • write(data): Writes data (str or bytes) to the file.
  • read(size): Reads size (int) bytes/characters of the file.
  • seek(offset): Goes to the byte position offset (int) in the file.
    • E.g., await would go to the start of the file.
    • This is especially useful if you run await once and then need to read the contents again.
  • close(): Closes the file.

As all these methods are async methods, you need to "await" them.

For example, inside an async path operation function you can get the contents with:

contents = await

If you are inside of a normal def path operation function, you can access the UploadFile.file directly, for example:

contents =

async Technical Details

When you use the async methods, Ellar runs the file methods in a threadpool and awaits for them.

Starlette Technical Details

Ellar's UploadFile inherits directly from Starlette's UploadFile, but adds some necessary parts to make it compatible with Pydantic and the other parts of Ellar.

Uploading array of files

To upload several files at the same time, just declare a List of UploadFile:

# project_name/apps/items/
from typing import List
from ellar.common import File, UploadFile, Controller, post, ControllerBase

class ItemsController(ControllerBase):
    def upload_many(self, files: File[List[UploadFile]]):
        return [f.filename for f in files]

Uploading files with extra fields

Note: HTTP protocol does not allow you to send files in application/json format by default (unless you encode it somehow to JSON on client side)

To send files along with some extra attributes you need to send bodies in multipart/form-data encoding. You can do it by simply marking fields with Form:

# project_name/apps/items/

from ellar.common import Serializer, Controller, Form, File, UploadFile, post, ControllerBase
from datetime import date

class UserDetails(Serializer):
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    birthdate: date

class ItemsController(ControllerBase):
    def create_user(self, details: UserDetails = Form(), file: UploadFile = File()):
        return [details.dict(), file.filename]

Note: in this case all fields should be sent as form fields

You can as well send payload in single field as JSON - just remove the Form mark from:

# project_name/apps/items/

from ellar.common import Serializer, Controller, File, UploadFile, post, ControllerBase
from datetime import date

class UserDetails(Serializer):
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    birthdate: date

class ItemsController(ControllerBase):
    def create_user(self, details: UserDetails, file: UploadFile = File()):
        return [details.dict(), file.filename]

this will expect from client side to send data as multipart/form-data with 2 fields:

  • details: Json as string
  • file: file